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Reise durch die Welten
Screenshot of Reise durch die Welten

Herzlich Willkommen zu meinen neuen Leveln. Seit einiger Zeit habe ich nun wieder neue Level erstellt. In diesem Levelpack spielst du durch alle Welten von Ricochet - von Alien bis Mayan - alle Welten sind dabei. Habe Spaß und versuche alle 555 Ringe zu sammeln. Viel Glück wünscht Markus :-).

Number of rounds:
Date posted:
Overall grade
from 624 players
Gameplay grade
from 515 players
Visuals grade
from 514 players

Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.

Ricochet Infinity logo
Designed for Ricochet Infinity. This level set can only be played in Ricochet Infinity.

You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.

Round info
Screenshot of “Level 1 - Willkommen” 1: Level 1 - Willkommen by ASSO Screenshot of “Level 2 - Glücksspiel” 2: Level 2 - Glücksspiel by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 3 - Gefangen” 3: Level 3 - Gefangen by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 4 - schwebende Bälle” 4: Level 4 - schwebende Bälle by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 5 - Erwecke sie zum Leben” 5: Level 5 - Erwecke sie zum Leben by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 6 - Folge dem Pfeil” 6: Level 6 - Folge dem Pfeil by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 7 - Feuer frei” 7: Level 7 - Feuer frei by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 8 - Smile” 8: Level 8 - Smile by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 9 - Schredder-Ball” 9: Level 9 - Schredder-Ball by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 1” 10: BONUS 1 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 11” 11: Level 11 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 12 - Ge X t” 12: Level 12 - Ge X t by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 13 - Wo sind meine Ringe?” 13: Level 13 - Wo sind meine Ringe? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 14 - Geschützt” 14: Level 14 - Geschützt by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 15 - Der Weg durch das Minenfeld” 15: Level 15 - Der Weg durch das Minenfeld by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 16 - 2 ziehen sich Zusammen” 16: Level 16 - 2 ziehen sich Zusammen by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 17 - Schnell und Langsam” 17: Level 17 - Schnell und Langsam by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 18 - Ein langer Weg” 18: Level 18 - Ein langer Weg by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 19 - Drei Abteilungen” 19: Level 19 - Drei Abteilungen by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 2” 20: BONUS 2 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 21 - Eins nach dem Anderen” 21: Level 21 - Eins nach dem Anderen by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 22” 22: Level 22 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 23 - Zuerst Boom, dann Kling” 23: Level 23 - Zuerst Boom, dann Kling by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 24 - Diamand” 24: Level 24 - Diamand by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 25 - Öffne das Tor” 25: Level 25 - Öffne das Tor by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 26 - Zuerst hier, dann da” 26: Level 26 - Zuerst hier, dann da by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 27 - Wegfüller” 27: Level 27 - Wegfüller by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 28 - Finde den Weg” 28: Level 28 - Finde den Weg by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 29 - Feuer frei” 29: Level 29 - Feuer frei by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 3” 30: BONUS 3 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 31 - Aufbau des Levels” 31: Level 31 - Aufbau des Levels by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 32 - Pyramiden” 32: Level 32 - Pyramiden by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 33” 33: Level 33 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 34 - Lass die Steine explodieren” 34: Level 34 - Lass die Steine explodieren by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 35 - Versteckt” 35: Level 35 - Versteckt by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 36 - Hell und Dunkel” 36: Level 36 - Hell und Dunkel by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 37 - Wer öffnet den Weg zu den Rignen?” 37: Level 37 - Wer öffnet den Weg zu den Rignen? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 38 - Bonusse” 38: Level 38 - Bonusse by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 39 - Mienenfeld” 39: Level 39 - Mienenfeld by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 4” 40: BONUS 4 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 41 - Acid, wo bist du?” 41: Level 41 - Acid, wo bist du? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 42 - Gib mir 5!” 42: Level 42 - Gib mir 5! by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 43 - Wo willst du hin?” 43: Level 43 - Wo willst du hin? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 44” 44: Level 44 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 45 - Links, rechts, links, ...” 45: Level 45 - Links, rechts, links, ... by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 46 - Automatisch” 46: Level 46 - Automatisch by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 47 - Bälle im Angebot!” 47: Level 47 - Bälle im Angebot! by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 48 - 3D” 48: Level 48 - 3D by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 49 - Wie bekommen ich die Ringe?” 49: Level 49 - Wie bekommen ich die Ringe? by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 5” 50: BONUS 5 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 51 - Raumschiffe” 51: Level 51 - Raumschiffe by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 52 - Achtung: In 20 Sekunden ist der Rail-Ball weg!!!” 52: Level 52 - Achtung: In 20 Sekunden ist der Rail-Ball weg!!! by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 53 - X-Effekt” 53: Level 53 - X-Effekt by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 54 - Raute” 54: Level 54 - Raute by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 55” 55: Level 55 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 56 - Öffne das Tor links :-)” 56: Level 56 - Öffne das Tor links :-) by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 57 - Wie komm ich da bloß rein?” 57: Level 57 - Wie komm ich da bloß rein? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 58 - Von innen nach außen!” 58: Level 58 - Von innen nach außen! by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 59 - Einmal links, einmal Rechts, 5mal Bombe” 59: Level 59 - Einmal links, einmal Rechts, 5mal Bombe by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 6” 60: BONUS 6 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 61 - 8-fach” 61: Level 61 - 8-fach by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 62 - nach Oben” 62: Level 62 - nach Oben by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 63 - Klick sie alle an!” 63: Level 63 - Klick sie alle an! by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 64 - Rot öffnet” 64: Level 64 - Rot öffnet by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 65 - Wo ist mein Rail-Ball?” 65: Level 65 - Wo ist mein Rail-Ball? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 66” 66: Level 66 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 67 - VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIELE Bälle” 67: Level 67 - VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIELE Bälle by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 68 - GEMEIN!!!” 68: Level 68 - GEMEIN!!! by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 69 - Großes Durcheinander” 69: Level 69 - Großes Durcheinander by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 7” 70: BONUS 7 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 71 - 5 Ringe, 3 Bälle” 71: Level 71 - 5 Ringe, 3 Bälle by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 72 - Eingesperrt” 72: Level 72 - Eingesperrt by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 73 - Starfish öffnet das Tor” 73: Level 73 - Starfish öffnet das Tor by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 74 - kleiner Ball ist nützlich” 74: Level 74 - kleiner Ball ist nützlich by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 75 - Eingang” 75: Level 75 - Eingang by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 76 - Leuchtsteine” 76: Level 76 - Leuchtsteine by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 77” 77: Level 77 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 78 - Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs” 78: Level 78 - Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 79 - Links oder Rechts” 79: Level 79 - Links oder Rechts by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 8” 80: BONUS 8 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 81 - 8fach” 81: Level 81 - 8fach by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 81 - Schiff-Spezialfähigkeit” 82: Level 81 - Schiff-Spezialfähigkeit by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 83 - Diamand 2” 83: Level 83 - Diamand 2 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 84 - Wie soll das gehen?” 84: Level 84 - Wie soll das gehen? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 85 - Grün, Blau oder Rot?” 85: Level 85 - Grün, Blau oder Rot? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 86 - Lass dir den Weg freischießen” 86: Level 86 - Lass dir den Weg freischießen by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 81 - Die goldene Mitte” 87: Level 81 - Die goldene Mitte by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 88” 88: Level 88 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 89 - Linien” 89: Level 89 - Linien by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 9” 90: BONUS 9 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 91 - Division” 91: Level 91 - Division by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 92 - Dominosteine die Fallen” 92: Level 92 - Dominosteine die Fallen by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 93 - Verändere dich!!!” 93: Level 93 - Verändere dich!!! by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 94 - Was ist mit meinem Ball los?” 94: Level 94 - Was ist mit meinem Ball los? by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 95 - Vulkanausbruch” 95: Level 95 - Vulkanausbruch by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 96 - Schieß sie davon” 96: Level 96 - Schieß sie davon by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 97 - Schmetterlinge” 97: Level 97 - Schmetterlinge by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 98 - Beam sie weg” 98: Level 98 - Beam sie weg by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 99” 99: Level 99 by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 10 - DEUTSCHLAND” 100: BONUS 10 - DEUTSCHLAND by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 101 - I love you :-)” 101: Level 101 - I love you :-) by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 102 - Blumenwiese” 102: Level 102 - Blumenwiese by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 103 - Wolkenhimmel” 103: Level 103 - Wolkenhimmel by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 104 - Home Sweet Home” 104: Level 104 - Home Sweet Home by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 105 - Sternenhimmel” 105: Level 105 - Sternenhimmel by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 106 - Obst” 106: Level 106 - Obst by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 107 - BUNT 1” 107: Level 107 - BUNT 1 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 108 - BUNT 2” 108: Level 108 - BUNT 2 by (not set) Screenshot of “Level 109 - BUNT 3” 109: Level 109 - BUNT 3 by (not set) Screenshot of “BONUS 10” 110: BONUS 10 by (not set) Screenshot of “ENDE - Danke fürs Spielen!!!” 111: ENDE - Danke fürs Spielen!!! by (not set)