« Return to level set list
1: Spring Trap
2: The Tree
3: Sacrafice For The Middle
4: Golden Box Of Surprise
5: Easy Break Just For You
6: Step By Step
7: Oh So Pretty
8: Cool Barbell
9: Linked
10: Diamondback
11: You Deserve A Break
12: !!!!! SURPRISE !!!!!
13: Showtime
14: Yippy Weeeeeee
15: The Flapper
16: Wild Thing... You Make My Heart Sing...
17: Stairs Of Tricks
18: I Know You Want To Change!
19: A Gooey Diamond Melt
20: The Big Bam!
Bounce Fever
By Harry

Here is a fun set that I have added some great movements for you! Hope you like it!
Number of rounds:
Date posted:

from 1,903 players

from 1,640 players

from 1,629 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.

Designed for Ricochet Lost Worlds. This level set can be played in Ricochet Lost
Worlds, Ricochet Recharged and Ricochet Infinity.
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info