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1: Carla (not perfect, but close enough)
2: Paul
3: Lucy Lui, our cat
4: Lots of balls on this one! (Do not, I repeat, do not get acid ball, cos you won't get any rings if you do)
5: Bang Boom (This level is pretty pointless, really, it's just here to make points)
6: Alien News
7: Monster Motorbike
8: Something simple (or is it?)
9: This is what i need a LOT, a WHOLE HEAP, of!!!
10: Watch 'em, they'll straighten out
11: Round and Round, easy peasy lemon squeezy
12: Them thar stars don't shine, boy!
13: Star of David
14: And the race is on!
15: Round and round they go, where they stop, well, they don't. ha ha
16: Wiggly Worms, with some balls thrown in for good measure
17: Splurge of 3-hitters
18: My Spiraling Bricks
19: Round 19
20: Spiral May Cause Headaches
By Lady Killer

I chose the name; 'People' for this roundset; but you'll notice after some rounds that it tends to lose that theme; but it's still fun to play; i think.
Number of rounds:
Date posted:

from 477 players

from 396 players

from 390 players
Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.

Designed for Ricochet Lost Worlds. This level set can be played in Ricochet Lost
Worlds, Ricochet Recharged and Ricochet Infinity.
You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.
Round info