
These level sets include a great variety of levels. Some may have levels that are extremely difficult, some may finish themselves with no user interaction, and some may have dozens of rings on a single level.

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Showing 11-11 of 11 level sets

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Ricochet Infinity logo

MacTiciva 8 - RainboTany (11 rounds)

By Naser, posted on

Screenshot of MacTiciva 8 - RainboTany

Rainbow + ZomboTany = RainboTany. This roundset features artistic and rainbow bricks. As they are not many of them. This roundset is easy a bit even with the last level. Also, do you know what word "ZomboTany" means? It is a minigame from Plants Vs. Zombies, where the zombies' heads are swapped with plants. Which make the game harder a bit!

11 N/A