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Astral Abyss-Seven Swords
By Laser
Screenshot of Astral Abyss-Seven Swords

30+ unique power and 80+ spells to discover.Your progress in collecting new power will be displayed in 'The Cosmos'.Levels with a mark * are challenges.You will have the option to skip'em if you get stuck.Some features are hidden.You may want to try different combination of power to discover them.The choice will be available after Lv 21 .I'll make a list in the forum later.This is the first part of "Astral Abyss-Seven Swords".Later parts in progress...

Number of rounds:
Date posted:
Overall grade
from 304 players
Gameplay grade
from 244 players
Visuals grade
from 239 players

Level sets are graded in Ricochet Infinity.

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Designed for Ricochet Infinity. This level set can only be played in Ricochet Infinity.

You can also download and play this level set using the in-game catalog.